The Problem
Telefonica in South America needed a social networking aggregation application for low end feature phones so their customers could access social networking applications not available on feature phones.
My Role
I was the lead user experience designer for this project. I was responsible for designing the user experience and leading the design project, working with internal and external stakeholders, and working with a development team in Australia whom developed the application.
Ominigraffle, Illustrator
The Solution
I designed a social networking mobile application called "Enlazados" for Telefonica in South America while working at the Myriad Group. The Myriad Group is a software company that develops white label solutions and products that can be customized by a carrier or OEM manufacturer.
Enlazados was designed to have a cinematic user experience and was built using Java. It was designed for a low end touch screen phone that had a qwerty keyboard.
Navigation framework

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